Today we were off to San Jose once again this time getting our teeth cleaned and exploring a new part of San Jose. Some of the architecture of this area is beautiful with a Spanish and European influence. We don't know what this particular building is but we liked the way it looked.

Ths is the Government Courts building and we wondered why there were so many police in the area. We later discovered that the new Presidente, Oscar Arias Sanchez, was inside. Sanches had just won the election by a slim margin that took almost a month to decide. And that's enough politics!

Here we are at the old Liquor Factory which has been renovated into offices and a cultural center for dance and theatre. In the foreground is part of the old distillery used to make the booze which the government has a monopoly on.

The parks in this Barrio are beautiful and clean and there are people everywhere. As you can see it was quite windy again as Don took my picture on the little bridge.