All packed and ready to sit. As we are having to build in Costa Rica, we have no place to move our belongings. They will remain in storage until we have our garage and studio built. Our mover, Todd O'Donnell, will load everything onto a cargo container which will be shipped to us in Costa Rica.
When we moved out of our house, because it was sold, we had a freezer half full of food and decided to take it to our friend, Ginny's, house. We were there for close to a month and we were able share our coffers with our good friend before leaving for Costa Rica. We spent many a night worrying that the remainder of our belongings, including the freezer, were NOT going to fit into the storage space we had left. We were not alone in these concerns. Many of our close friends were sure we would be short of space.
It was now time to empty, clean and fill the freezer and test our ability to stuff lots into a small space!! With the help of Pat Brown and her wonderful truck, (ours was sold) we headed to storage for, hopefully, the last time! Low and behold everything fit with space left over!! The extra space came in handy as our suitcases needed to be lightened when we came to the final packing. On our way out of town we stopped with 2 more boxes!
Thank you Pat for not only your help but for making it such fun. You've been a great neighbor and we will miss seeing you across the street pushing that lawn mower! Happy mowing!