I'm home today waiting for the washing machine repairman to fix my washer. As it is after 4:00 p.m., I'm thinking he may not appear.
We had our first Easter here in Costa Rica and it is almost as big an event as Christmas. Our employee worked extra hours so he could have the week off to go camping with his family and, although we were invited to go along, we decided we liked the luxury of our real beds too much!
Good Friday we were in San Ramon to meet with our tax accountant and to visit the Feria (Market) to stock up on fruits and vegetables. Well, we met with the accountant but the Feria, along with the rest of San Ramon was locked up tight!! A usually bustling and function city, it was strange and a bit nice to have the streets to ourselves.

On Friday a procession of people passed our house, we assumed, on the way to the church. There were similar processions in San Ramon down all the quiet streets. We were invited to attend the Easter service on Saturday night (not Sunday as in the states). All day we worked at the finca where our car died!! The trailer was full of Cana we had cleaned from the coffee and nothing was moving. So, leaving the car and trailer behind we walked home to get ready for the 6:00 service. Whoops! The service was at 7:00 and while awaiting the event at the Soda, Roberto and his daughter's boyfriend insisted that they could fix our car and get it home. Unfortunately, the car spent the night at the finca! The next morning, with the help of Dario and his friend, we were able to jump the car and get it to Jorge to repair, once again. And there it remains! |
Our Easter Sunday was spent at the finca gathering oranges and harvesting our first bunch of bananas which is now hanging in our kitchen for us to eat! YEAH!
While at the finca, I took a few videos with my phone and am going to add them here. They are very amateur but fun and I want to apologize for the fact parts of the videos are sideways!!
We wish parts of this weren't so dark but considering that I'm using my phone.... By the way, we don't have to tip the tree over to get the oranges, like I said, some of the videos are sideways! You will also notice that this particular coffee isn't looking as nice as it could. The coffee finca needs work, which at times is very overwhelming. Poco poco and hopefully in a few years we will have beautiful coffee plants.
The orange trees in this video are only a couple of many. We have bags of oranges in our house and have given away many more including the ones we toss to our 4 legged friend--the cow!
More, please!!
Our day is done and it's time to head home. On the way we are going to share our ride with you. Hang on tight!
Pura Vida!