As we age,we realize a lot of things we thought we needed were really not necessary and have little meaning for us. However, at Christmas when we open the boxes marked "Christmas" we open all the past memories of our family and friends, near and far! Over the years special people in our lives have given us gifts for the holidays that, when brought out, remind us of them and the wonderful times we have enjoyed! We get to remember and talk about them and the times we shared. All of the warm feelings are what makes us feel the spirit of Christmas and the joy that comes with the season. We'd like to share a few of our special decorations with you and hope you even recognize one or two.
Many know of my love of quilting and here are some gifts that not only wish Merry Christmas but Happy Quilting! Marilyn, my friend, always thinks of people's interests.
Stars with uplifting thoughts and a snowman, from the Burnell's, of Wisconsin, that remind us of them and how happy we are about no longer have to shovel snow!
Thanks to our Daughter, Kristin, and Granddaughter, Madeline, we love our little footprint snowmen that remind us of Madeline!
Some as gifts, some hand made and some we purchased on our own.
"And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care...." A reminder of the many times we read T'was the Night Before Christmas to all of our children!
A special gift to remind us of the Cafe we owned in Wisconsin and a special friend, Gwen!
A sweet snow angel from Paul and Marilyn!
This was a gift from Yuslania and family for my birthday this year!
Hope you enjoyed sharing a little Christmas with us and we want to wish you all the happiest of holiday seasons!
Now for what is new at DoSha!
Before we left for Colorado we were exceptionally busy trying to get some landscaping and planting done before the end of the rainy season. Sadly, rainy season is still here! Anyway, we moved lots of large rocks and dirt, bought plants at San Miguel's Vivero (Nursery). We put many potted plants into the ground which had started as cuttings from different friend's incredible gardens!
What we wanted to do was create a circular driveway that would allow people to come to our house and leave without having to back up. Hence it created a perfect place for us to have our garden. The garden started with a huge pile of top soil which we had saved from leveling our property. Our friend Poco moved this with his backhoe. Next, Don guided Poco to move all the rocks we had piled up to where he wanted them to go. The same day we had work for Poco to do on our back road where we lost about 100 Coffee plants. This work had been completed along with some other work on the road, which we hadn't really planned on doing! Unfortunately, this road work left our road like a slippy slide and not passable for a couple days! Things are much better now with the lessening of rain and the surfacing of gravel and we are able to come and go without concern.
Lots of thinking and moving going on here!
A little farther along and now the rain is picking up! Check out all the mud!
While Poco had the backhoe at our house we also had him clean out all the garbage that got thrown into our future Talapia Pond while the house was being constructed.
Looks good Poco.
Finishing touches on the soil in the island. Notice how grey the weather appears. We are very much looking forward to some sun, as it has been a very grey and rainy rainy season!!
Things are looking good for us but not so for Poco! The rain has continued and the work needed to stop before it was entirely finished. The mud was so sloppy Poco's backhoe couldn't make it home and had to remain with us for a few days. Poco walked home in the rain with an umbrella and still smiling!
The bright side of the rainy season--beautiful clouds!
Poco moved a few more rocks to the Herb/Cactus garden but I trucked all the topsoil by wheel barrel!
Beautiful skies!
The topsoil has been spread and we've made a trip or two to San Miguel's and it is now starting to look like a garden!
Hi Don, what do you think?
On our second trip to the Vivero we bought plants that we wanted to embellish the front of the house but, what to put them in? After much discussion and contemplating, we decided to purchase 24"
concrete conduit and cut them in half. And...that is exactly what we did! They still need to be painted and we want to add some decorative tile, but it is a start!
Yes, we know! The garage needs priming and painting and so does the tower! It's on the list for dry season!
Aren't I pretty?
Between the house in the garage we have a triangular area that we have made into a rock garden. In the rear is our avocado tree. This year we had three avocados and they were excellent. Next year we should have many more!
The large plant in the foreground is a type of Bromelaid, to the left are Bougainvillea and in the background are a wild Heliotrope. 
Eventually these will fill in, if the cats leave them alone!
Trying to have a garden with two very active cats isn't always easy!
Wish the sun was shining, but it wasn't. Some plants do very well quickly while others are slower to improve.
The plan here is for a wall of Hydrangeas! Tall enough to cut down wind but low enough to allow the view.
Between the house and the hot tub we have created a garden with, of course, one large rock!
These plants, next to the hot tub, will one day be large different colored Amapola/Hibiscus.
Here we have also planted Amapola to cover our ugly septic tank area.
Pura Vida!