As you may have noticed, it has been quite awhile since our last blog! It seems we have enjoyed Christmas with Tico friends, moved from our rental, added a new grandchild, a hot tub and a garage and had special times with friends. Although we are now living in the new house, we have no internet and still need to have some things completed or repaired. The garage is going well and we are really enjoying the hot tub.
I'll begin with Christmas, and a wonderful time spent with Avelardo, and his family. Not only friends but also our coffee pickers for this year. They are special and we always have a great time when we get together.
Flor, Avelardo's Mother and also the owner of the Soda where we get the best hamborgesas!
Youslania is Avelardo's wife and a beautiful and sweet hostess. We always feel welcome and special whenever visiting their home.
Christmas is celebrated the night before with eating, drinking, dancing and sharing of gifts. We were very surprised to find they even had gifts for us that were thoughtful and very appreciated by us.
As with all gatherings everyone seems to gravitate to the kitchen where the food is prepared. Thank you Youslania and Avelardo for inviting us to share your Christmas celebration!
While we were celebrating the holidays the house was being worked on and every day we hoped to hear it was complete and time to move. As that didn't happen and I had plans to head to Denver on the 8th of February, we made the decision to move, even though the house was still under construction work. The two or three days before I left, we moved as much as we possibly could into the new house, set things up in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom so Don could functio, and I left for 6 weeks!
Kristin was expecting her second and I was invited to come and help and share the experience. It was a great time for Madeline and I to spend time together and I truly loved being with all of them. Jacob Miller was born on February 16th, 2016, and is perfect. :)
Precious and perfect!
Big sister happy to finally meet the baby that has been residing in Mommy's tummy! Being Big Sister is a full time job and Madeline is going to be great!
While in Denver we visited the Children's Museum, the Zoo and many other fun places. Here Madeline is walking with her friends at the zoo. The weather was perfect and we all had a fun day.
A special time for Madeline and Nana at the coffee shop. Carrot Cake and Hot Chocolate with lots of Whipped Cream and wonderful company. Who could ask for more?
Daddy, Madeline and Jacob just hanging out Sunday morning!
Just before Jacob was born I made a short visit to my son, Matthew, and his family in Monterey, CA. We walked and talked, played games and just hung out and I loved every minute.
Just goofing off and taking silly photos with Matthew, Cody and Willow! :)
On the way back to Denver we all drove to Redwood City to celebrate Molly's Mom's birthday. It's always good to see Ruth and Chuck when I am there and the birthday celebration made it special.
I returned to Costa Rica on March 22nd, Don's birthday, sad to be leaving my Denver and Monterey families, but happy to be home and to see Don. We celebrated Don's birthday and our 25th Anniversary by just being in our new home!
Pura Vida!