I know, I already wrote this but...I deleted it by mistake so here I go again!!
Little Matt and Erin I read your comments but please write again, Don missed it!!
We arrived at home about 7:30 p.m. thanks to a ride from Pam and Chris who were waiting for us at the airport!! We were thrilled to see them and to be heading home and chatted excitedly all the way home!!! Upon arriving Chris & Pam had dinner and a bottle of wine waiting for us in our refrigerator! Thank you so much, Chris & Pam!! We loved the dinner, the wine and the CHOCOLATE!!!
Jim and May came across the street just as we were driving in the driveway and stayed to visit for awhile. They too had left goodies in our refrigerater so we were not only covered for dinner but also for breakfast!! We are so lucky to have such wondeful friends!! Thank you May and Jimmy we missed you all!!
Also, we want to say "thank you" to Pat who lives across the street and took such good care of our plants and our garage door openers that we left in our unlocked cars!!! What were we thinking!!! Or not!!!
Anyway, MEME, our

cat, has come home and seems to be adjusting without a treat every time she meows!!! It is amazing how adaptable she seems to be and, although she loves to go to Pam and Chris's and be spoiled, she forgives us for leaving her behind amd seems glad to be back with us. Pam & Chris's cat, Hannah, is thrilled to have her territory back and MEME gone!!
We loved Costa Rica but it sure is good to be home!!!