The bus ride from Ciudad Colon to Ma

nzanillo took about 6 hours and although some of the road was fairly smooth, much of it was gravel and very pot holed!! The trip, though long, was anything but boring!! We saw Cloud Forests, Rain Forests and Jungle with many rivers, shaky

bridges and banana plantations along the way. There must be hundreds of different types of trees and it seems half or more bear fruit of which I cannot remember hardly any names except bananas and coconuts!!

These pictures were taken from the bus. For some reason thebus driver wasn't wil

ling to stop for our "Kodak Moments"!! The rivers and streams were all different sizes and the bridges across them were only about 4" wider than the busses wheels! We are truly amazed at the talent behind the wheel of these wonderful busses.!! We also saw many Tico homes along the way of which this is typical. Notice they also build theirs up on stilts!!!
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