This is a typical day at the Internet Cafe where we go to answer e-mails and work on the Blog when dial up is making us crazy.

The kids are all proficient at using MS Messenger and Skipe. At times you'll be in there and they will be chatting away to their computer with these headphones on with the little camera on top of the monitor.
Claudio is the proud owner of the Internet Cafe and takes very good care of us. He lets us hook up our laptop instead of using his Spanish keyboard and internet. He's very sweet
and treats us like royalty. His wife is a teacher in San Jose
and he charges $.50 an hour or 250 colones.

As you can see there are lots of students at the Cafe and he is always helping someone. Here he is helping the Mother of the boy in red on the left.
It's so typical to see the boys and girls enjoying each other's company. Some days some of the kids sit outside the door and play guitars. It's really a great place to be!!
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