Grecia is a town of about 30-50,000 (depending on which Tico you ask) people in the mountains. It is newer and very clean and voted by National Geographic to be the best place in the world to live because of the weather. Our trip here was an adventure as we got off the bus at the wrong town!!! We hadn't gone far enough and we were in Sarche Norte!! When we called the people we were supposed to meet they had no idea where we were!!! Needness to say, we were a bit concerned that these "real estate" people who were going to show us property, didn't even recognize where we were??!! As always, we resorted to asking a nice Tica (lady) walking on the street for help!! Not only did we meet a beautiful lady, but she advised us of the fact we were in Sarche Norte not Grecia!!! Whoops!!! Her English was fantastic compared to our Spanish and she plugged along trying to help us. When she figured out where we wanted to go, she said she was from there and would give us a ride!!! We said "gracias" and truly meant it!! We all hopped into her little blue GEO and headed up the hill to Grecia as she pointed out interesting sites along the way. It seems the town we inadvertantly stopped at is famous for making furniture and the wonderful little painted Tico carts and is quite expensive to live in. When we arrived in Grecia she thanked us for letting her practice her English!!! In broken English she proceeded to ask us to call when we were in town again--so she could practice her English--and...she asked us to go to the Volcano with her and her husband sometime because he knows his way around!!! What a trip!!! Her name is Elida, she works at the university and she has 2 little girls ages 6 and 8 years old.

Grecia is know for its red church. It too is beautifully landscapedand cared for by the people here.

Bougainvillea grows everywhere like in this picture. There is so much color in the vegetation everywhere you look is a beautiful garden.

O.K. everyone, this is it!! Don has found the house he wants to buy!!! Not the one on the ground, the one in the tree!!! He's always wanting to build a Treehouse and now here it is all ready to move into. I guess it would be o.k. this time of year but I'm a bit concerned about during the rainy season!!!
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