The wreath was such a success that our landlord, Roselin, wanted to make one for herself, which we did! It felt great to have an opportunity to be creative and add a little Christmas cheer!
Our first Christmas in Costa Rica was quiet and full of many wonderful SKYPE conversations with family and friends. Chirstmas Eve we enjoyed a wonderful meal and festivities with friends here. Before we made and ate many Tamales a Navidad tradition here in Costa Rica. Christmas here is about families and friends and the making of Tamales is part of the family experience.One day I arrived at Flor's Soda at 8:00 a.m. to help the family make Tamales. There were a number of family and friends their to help and the young people were amazing workers. We worked until late afternoon creating over 300 Tamales! Flor generously sent home a bunch with me which are sitting in our freezer just waiting to be enjoyed!
A very nice Christmas in your new country. Have a safe, healthly, and happy New Year. Joyce
Hey Sharon; I told the girls at WW this morning about following your blog. It is very interesting to me. You and Don are very brave to begin this adventure. I do enjoy following your blog. Happy New Year! BTW; do they have WW in Costa Rica?
So far I haven't found WW in Costa Rica? "KC" who are you, I can only guess!
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