As our "New Old Vehicle" was without 4 x 4--much needed--we left it with Jorge our mechanic for repairs and walked to the bus stop on Highway #1. Not sure when the bus would arrive as it was coming from San Jose, we arrived early meeting other Americans also catching the bus.
One couple we met from Alaska was staying at a place recommended by a friend. As we had no idea where we were staying a place "recommended by a friend" sounded good to us, even though we didn't really know the friend or the couple from Alaska! As it turned out the place, shown above with the 2 balconys, was wonderful. We opted for the back "quiet room" with no air and, unfortunately, suffered the noise of others air conditioners. The room was comfortable, clean and the place adorable and affordable!
Here is the view from the balcony.
This is the room we occupied with the wonderful window that brought us a breeze off the huge lake that is next to Granada. The other photo is our view.
Granada, Nicaragua, is the oldest city on the Latin American Continent. It was established in 1524 and has been beautifully preserved and renovated and the renovations continue. It is quaint and colorful and at times reminded me of Charleston, SC.
In the background here you can see one of the beautifully restored and maintained hotels that are found everywhere in Granada.
These horse drawn wagons are everywhere on the streets of Granada and are used for just about everything. They are all a little different and, although a staple for the people there, add such charm to Granada.
A wonderful restaurants that we enjoyed. The first night we were directed to the a pizza restaurant that was very reasonable and delicious. The second night our new friends from Alaska, Roy and Chris, recommended the Garden Cafe here in the photo. It was inviting so we decided to give it a try and were thrilled with the ambiance and the food! Gardens or Court Yards are quite common in Granada and this Cafe had a beautiful one. The pictures below show the view we had at dinner. As you will notice in the photos, no one has a yard or a front lawn. Their front doors are right on the sidewalk and the houses touch. Their solution is to build their houses around a garden and the concept is wonderful to see. None of the homes have windows, only bars and indoor shutters and inside gardens! Very different, unique and way fun! By the way, it is also very hot in Granada. The temperatures were in the mid to high 90's and we noticed the change after living in frio Berlin!
The church stands out and the age of the buildings seems more evident in their roofs than at street level.
okay, I need to learn to read them in the right order. What a beautiful place Granada is! It's looks wonderful. Love the gardens.
Glad you took time away from all that work to visit another area. Sounds like you enjoyed it.
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