After 3 months in the states I am back in Costa Rica catching up and doing a little creating. Here's the story of my trip!
My fist stop was Denver, CO, to take care of our youngest grandchild, Madeline Grace, while Kristin finished teaching the school year. We had a wonderful time going for long walks and just sharing so many precious moments! |
We all went to a Rockies game, which they won in overtime and just enjoyed spending time together.
Madeline with her Mom and Dad! Hard to move on, I miss you lots, but more fun to come!
We were so fortunate to have so many of our family attend the wedding. Our 5 children, their spouses and our grandchildren were all present. In addition my Sister, Nephew and Mother were there, Don's Sister & Spouse, 2 Brother's and their spouses including a Nephew. There were old friends from Wisconsin, Colorado and California! Brad & Erin hosted a Bar-b-q for everyone, Brad's friends and family and ours as did Brad's parents. It was great fun getting to know Brad's family and catch up with old friends and family. A great time was had by all and many tears were shed saying "good-bye"!

Brad & Erin were married outside in the beautiful Aspen Gardens.
The beautiful bride, Erin!

Brad & Erin at the beach, Lake Tahoe.
 Brad's Family.
A beautiful toast from Sister, Kathy!
Tamara & Erin! 
High School friend, Ann, from Cameron, WI!
Proud Dad!
Don and his girls! Not only did I get to share this special time with friends and family, I also shared it with my husband who had been in Costa Rica the past 2 months. It was wonderful spending time with him and having so much fun!

Brad & Erin we wish you happily ever after!
The day after the wedding and a wonderful Brunch at Brad and Erin's, I headed down the mountain with Kristin and Paul and Madeline to Placerville where they headed back to CO and I joined Matthew, Molly and Cody on their trip home to Monterey. The next week was spent with them having a grand time. Molly has a day care and above Cody is sitting with his little friend Kate. We took many walks to the park and around the neighborhood.
Matthew, Molly & Cody!
Matthew and Cody took me to Wild Things which is a rescue home for retired or unwanted large animals. It was a fun visit and I loved feeding the elephants! |
We also spent time at the beach building sand castles and paddling in the water, watching sea creatures and exploring seaweed and "stuff" on the beach! And, we went on picnics and rode on a bear! What fun we had!

The day I left Matthew, Molly and Cody, Cody was sound asleep and not interested in waking up. Probably a good thing as I was riding a roller coaster of emotions! Sweet dreams precious boy it was fun playing with all of you!
My last stop on my way back to Costa Rica was Riverside, CA, to visit Matthew, Tamara, Benjamin and Mistaya! The week was relaxing and inspiring. Tamara introduced me to Yogalosophy and I've been working on my Yoga ever since. After 3 months of pretty easy living my muscles needed some work! Thanks Tamara! |
Benjamin is one amazing ball player!! We spent one day watching 3 games of a tournament that his team won! At the end of the day we were all pretty tired but very proud! Way to go Ben!

The week was filled with lots of fun activities including some wonderfully relaxing mornings and movie evenings! It was Mistaya's (remember Flat Mistaya? The blonde in the photo is the real Mistaya) Birthday and there was much to do. Tamara and I painted her bedroom including lots of new accessories. We drove to LA to the American Girl Store and came home with 2 look alike American Dolls. One for Mistaya and one

for her friend Kieley. (Sorry if this is spelled incorrectly) Once done exploring American Girl, we drove to Hollywood to check out the sites, look for stars and have some lunch! A fun day enjoyed by all and leaving once again was such sweet sorrow!!
Although I was unable to spend time at the McDavids this trip, Brent, Kathy, Christine and Katie, I loved spending time with them at Tahoe and am sad we couldn't extend our visit! |
This is my sweet and precious granddaughter Katie! Thanks for sharing time with us it was a pleasure every minute! |
Last but not least, meet my stunning and cherished granddaughter, Christine! Thanks for being a bright light in my life!
Much love to all! |
Loved the flip flop wreath - you did it!! Well done - got everyone in and great pictures. Love you!
I am out of breath reading about the last 3 months!! We miss you dearly I am so grateful you were able to squeeze a visit in with everyone. Thank you for all you hard work while visiting : )Love you bunches!!
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