We were invited to attend the wedding of Carmen and Cesar at the beautiful church across from the park in Atenas. Ceasar is the brother of Marcella and Louis whose house we are renting. The wedding was December 1st, 2013.
Atenas is about an hour from Berlin and we arrived early giving us a little time to enjoy the park. This photo of the front of the church was taken across the street.

Don took this photo of the huge palm trees in the park lying on the grass. The trunks of this particular palm look like they are made from concrete.

The inside of the church is beautiful and the last time we were there, a number of years ago, it was over flowing with flowers for a young boy who had been killed in an accident. Today we were there for a much happier occasion and were looking forward to experiencing our first Costa Rican wedding.
The handsome groom, Cesar, and his parents, Juvenal and Roselin were first to walk down the isle.

Next the ring bearers, Elian (Marcella and Luis's son, and a pretty young lady that we did not know.

Followed by the Best Man, Louis, husband to Marcella, and the Maid of Honor, Marcella Sister to Cesar.
The beautiful bride, Carmen, and her parents were last, much like weddings in the US. I really liked that both parents brought their children to the alter for the wedding ceremony.
The service was longer than the weddings we've been to in the U.S. and once the bride & groom kissed we assumed the service was over but not so. The Priest had more to say, in Spanish of course, and then the plate was passed and communion received. At this point we expected the bride and groom to head down the isle and out of the church but, once again we were surprised. The service ended and people started to get up and mill around, the bride and groom had photos taken and eventually came outside to the waiting crowd in front of the church. Unlike in the U.S. there was no introduction of the new couple to the guests as man and wife followed by the grand exit.
Here we are outside the church waiting for Carmen and Cesar with the other guests.

Photos were taken of the families. Carmen and Cesar with her parents and brother.
Then with Cesar's parents and Brother, Dario and the little ring bearer.

Upon arriving at the recption, this was the view and when the lights of the cities came out it was spectacular!

Dana, Marcella and Louis's daughter and Cesar's niece, having a good time at her uncle's wedding.

At the reception we were seated with Cesar's parents Jovenal and Roselin. Jovenal's brother, Victor, his wife, Carmen, and their driver, Juan and his wife, Laura. As usual, we were the only ones speaking English but we managed to communicate none the less.

There was no shortage of great music. At the church there was a group of three that played beautiful music and sang. At the reception we enjoyed live music all night long, including a spectacular Mariachi Band. Unfortunately, by the time they arrived my camera battery was dying and we have no photos!! I loved watching the dancing. We tried once but the beat is so different from what we are used to we decided not to embarrass ourselves too much. There was, however, much talent and we are determined to learn the steps!
Even the children had a special place to entertain themselves while the adults watched the festivities.

The area also included a swimming pool which was filled with floating tea lights when night fell and the effect was spectacular!
The area where the reception was held was beautiful inside and out. The food was delicious, plentiful and the service first class! At the end we even enjoyed a chocolate fountain with fruits, marshmallows and cookies! We had a very enjoyable time and are grateful that Carmen and Cesar invited us to share their special day!
Nice! Loved Carmen's dress!
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