The views from this property are similar to what we see from the finca - only closer! Unfortunately, it was a bit hazy the day they were there working there and the photos show little of how spectacular the view really is.
Still no ocean visible, maybe in another photo in the future. This property in Rio Jesus is located in the gated community of Butterfly Dance, approximately 15 minutes outside San Ramon. The lot is a little less than 2 acres. We are very much interested in selling this land and have been talking to some realtors here to obtain that result!
Recently on my walks to the finca I have a special treat waiting for me. When in season, I usually have an orange or two to give me energy for the walk home and truly enjoy the experience of picking and eating fruit from our trees. There are many orange trees and they are a very juicy, perfect snack!
What also keeps me busy, and unfortunately away from blogging, is sitting at my sewing machine creating quilts! These are the latest and I have many more in my head that still need to be put together. The curse of a quilter: there is always at least one new creation waiting in the wings.
Good cotton fabric is hard to come by here in Costa Rica and I am fortunate that I have filled my suitcase with fabric when I've been in the states. My other source is the Ropa America. It is similar to a thrift store in the states and has supplied me with a number of random pieces of fabric that I have used in my quilts!
We love spending time with our friends Guy and Maryse! Here Guy is showing off his "new" pony tail before we head out for one of or adventures or a great meal!
Once again with Guy and Maryse for a nice dinner in the Sewing/Dining Room upstairs where we live now. The views and sunsets are beautiful from there which makes the many trips up and down the stairs to serve dinner well worth the time and energy required! By the way that's us. Maryse and Guy are below!! :)
Always included in the invite to dinner is a trip to the house to see what's happening! Actually, this photo was taken the day we went searching for the Rio and ended up picnicking in the Living Room!
I was showing Maryse her bedroom--the Guest Bedroom and she snapped my picture! SMILE!!As a side note, we have new friends who have moved in "next" door to the new house and have already enjoyed some fun times with them. Sheila came by the other day to learn how to make bagels and, now that she has her own Kitchen Aide, has already made her own bagels! After making bagels, Charlie joined us for dinner! One of these times when we are together, I need to grab the camera!
I started this post with the adorable Parrot that lives next door and I'm ending with the incredible Toucan I saw at the finca!
In the almost three years we have lived here, Don has seen Toucans off and on at the finca. However, until just recently, I had not seen any. My luck has changed as I have seen 5 in the last few weeks and it is sooooo exciting! They are difficult to photograph but I did try! The first one I saw I was so excited I told the workers at the house "Muy feliz, Toucan!" The just looked at me like I was a silly Gringo!! Oh, well, it's very exciting to me!!
Pura Vida!
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