Although the counters are being created, there are always other things going on. Below Marco is finishing up the trim around the beams. A slow and tedious job and Marco is doing a great job! Marco is also always at the house living in the bodega. He is the one who keeps things together. When I arrive at 6 a.m. he is cleaning up and organizing things for the new day and always with a big smile!
People are always going here and going there. Don is on the move and Isaac, in charge of window installation, looks like he has a question. In the background two men are trying to figure how much pipe will be needed for the wood stove.
Alex is finishing the ceiling in the Living Room, except for in the corner where the stove pipe needs to go. We've enjoyed Alex also.
Just a little bit longer guys! I can't seem to get these two to stay attached!! I think John Carlos is getting tired. It really is quite heavy!
Ah, yes, the counters! The counters in the Bathrooms and the Kitchen are going to be concrete. The wood structure here is the form for the counter in the Master Bathroom. The lower section on the right side is a seat at the end of the shower.
Eventually, there will be two sinks.
Here Max and his assistant are working on the concrete forms for the Guest Bathroom.
Last but not least, the simple counter in the Visitor's 1/2 Bathroom.
There is so much to consider! The sizes of the oven, cook top, dishwasher, sink and microwave. How high should the counters be. Where the sink sits and how everything sits so that the concrete supports are in just the right place. Plumbing, electrical and on and on. The good thing about our container arriving soon is that the sink and cook top are inside. Having them here will be a big plus.
Quite a bit of the form work has been finished on the island in this photo. They are now working on the area where the oven and microwave will sit.
We still have lights to install, the electrical to be finished, fans, and I'm sure many other details that I'm not even aware that still need doing but, there is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel!