We created our windows not only for aesthetic purposes but also for security. They are solid steel because we did not want to have windows with bars, a very common site here.
The people who created our windows arrived on the 26th of October and have been working to install and paint the windows every day except Sundays. The windows were built in a small town near San Isidro about 5 hours from here. They were brought here by truck and trailer needing patch work in quite a few places.
The workers arrived with everything they needed including beds, food, refrigerator, rice cookers, compressors, tools, a t.v. and their own dish to put on top of the bodega.
Slowly they began installing the windows first and then the doors. By today all the doors and windows have been installed and are waiting to have the rest of the caulking, painting and glass put in next week. Just in time, as our container has arrived in Limon, Costa Rica, and is due to be delivered the week of the 16th of November!! The house isn't quite finished but at least the windows and doors will be finished!
Windows everywhere.
Some small!
Some large and some medium! Three different sizes in the Kitchen.
Dining Room windows.
The Living Room with the French Doors sitting just outside the opening where they belong. 
Large window in the Living Room. The bright colored towel is covering the wood stove that sits in the corner.
Windows down the Hall just like in the Dining Room.
Bits of cement repair work needed in a number of places. You can also see where the paint needs "touching up". The ride from San Isidro is a rough one!
Additional welding in places.
See that cute little truck in the background? Thanks to Charlie & Sheila I got to drive it while our POS was being repaired! Fun truck!!
Kitchen. My "desk" will be under the right window and the refrigerator sits in the middle of the two windows.
The large window will be in front of the Kitchen sink.
No view from upstairs the clouds/fog have moved in!
Waiting to be installed in the bathroom.
Leaning on the bathroom "counters".
- Love this Kitchen window! I might even have to start washing dishes more. :)

From the outside looking in.
Looking down the Corridor on the back side of the house. Cute little window in the Guest Bathroom shower. The upstairs Bathroom has 2 just like it.
More windows and doors
This is a closeup of the Dutch Doors which open in the middle.
When finished there will be wood Lintels above the doors. This is the entry into the Laundry Room.
Pura Vida!
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