When I arrived at the finca work had already begun on this one very large and gnarly tree with stickers up to 3" long!! Not only was it dangerous for anyone passing by it also was obstructing a bit of our view!! It needed to go!!

Santos arrived with his chain saw and went to work removing limbs and I was very glad neither of us had to be up at the top of this huge tree! Santos did a wonderful job and had a grin on his face the whole time!
Branches began piling up below right away!!

Santos checking out his handy work!
More cutting!

Everyone came to "help" and Errol's truck became the peanut gallery! Hi Angie!

More concentrating and cutting!!
Before too long we are going to need some rope to guide the fall of the large branches and the main trunk. Don is sorting out the tangles!

One load of branches made it to the top for the burn pile. The rest would have to wait for another day. The burn pile ended up being over 12 feet tall and has already been burned! A big job completed and many to go!! Don loves to burn, as many of you know, and I am nervous every time! This pile was torched while I was busy at the casa!
As they say, "Ignorance is bliss!" Unaware, I was not nervous and all went well!
Yep, that one can go too!! Thanks for the rope, Don!!

Almost finished. Just a chunk off the top of this huge trunk!
Time for the rope!

O.K., now everyone pull! Yeah, finished! It was a lot of work--not for me, I was taking pictures--but there was still lots to do for another day!
Another beautiful ending to a busy day in Costa rica!
This one doesn't even look real!!!
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