So far 2014 has been the year of friends visiting. We have been so fortunate to connect with a number of friends who "stopped by" touring Costa Rica and, unfortunately, a couple we missed. Living where we do and being surrounded with mostly Spanish speaking friends, it is such fun to just sit and catch up and actually understand what the conversation is about!
The first to visit were our friends Steve and Jennifer from North Carolina who have recently moved to Costa Rica. They were headed back to the states to satisfy their 90 day visa requirement and stopped by to visit and spend the night in our humble abode before going to the airport.
We had a great visit with many similar and different experiences to share about moving to and living in Costa Rica. They are located on the Pacific Coast in a town called Samara and are working at purchasing property and building! Although we loved having them stay here we are anxious to have a place of our own where friends can stay in comfort! Soon we hope to make a trip to the coast and see what life is like in a different part of Costa Rica.
Our next visitors arrived the end of February and they too were from North Carolina. And, thanks Joe Tursi who moved to Heredia, C.R. about a year before we arrived, we have photos. This was his first visit to Berlin, although we have met up in San Jose. Joe did not come alone, however, and we also enjoyed the company of Steve and Sandra Shultz and Vicki and Rich Carlson, also from North Carolina. A trip to the finca and a shared Costa Rican meal of beans and rice and tamales. It was sad to see them go but they had places to go and we were happy they took a little detour to spend some time with us.
Joe is in the center with Steve and Don on the left and Vicki, Sandra and Rich on the right!

One last photo of us and the mess! Doesn't it look like we had a great time? |
Around the same time Lois and Lance Schelvan were visiting Costa Rica with their son Luke and his family who reside in Mexico. We were unable to meet the grandchildren--although we loved hearing all the stories of their trip with their grandchildren and children--however, Lois and Lance found time to stop by for the day for which we were grateful! A trip to the finca, of course, and explanations of coffee from start to finish were part of the day.
Using the Tico way of getting oranges down from the tree, a stick with a hook, we all enjoyed an orange fresh from the tree.
While Lois and I were off chatting and catching up on old times, Don and Lance checked out some of the coffee plants and the view. Lance and Lois live in Montana and Lois has been a special friend of mine since our children were babies in the little town off Libby, Montana. Somehow we have managed to stay in touch all these years and getting together feels like we were never apart. Don had met Lois a number of years ago when we sold our Cafe in Wisconsin and took off on a 5 week trip across the country to visit friends and family. At the time Lance was away so this was their first meeting. |

Thanks for stopping by Lance and Lois we loved spending time with you. Hopefully your next visit we will have room for guests and your stay can be longer!
Unfortunately, we were not able to connect with Carol and Mo Beers who put into port in Limon, Costa Rica, the first part of March while on a cruise. Maybe someday they will be able to make it back to Costa Rica and have some time to really look around!
Molla Donaldson and her husband Jerry are also planning a trip to Costa Rica in the very near future. They are traveling with a tour group which may make connecting up difficult, but we are thrilled that we were remembered and hope one day we will have a chance to meet.
The view from our future house!! |
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