Monday, October 08, 2012

We are Really Moving!

Now that our tickets are purchased and we only have odds and ends and packing our many suitcases to complete, our move is starting to feel real.  For 6 years we have talked and planned and  hoped for this adventure to begin and now that it is happening, it almost doesn't seem real!

For those who don't know, we purchased 10 acres in coffee plants in Berlin, CR, about 6 years ago and talked about moving there and building a B & B.  In that time our dreams have changed and been revised with the changing economy.  The first home we designed was quite a bit grander than the one we are sure we will eventually create.  Thanks to our Tico friend, Donillo, we have water to our property and thanks to Eric & Jose, other friends in Berlin, we have an area graded for a home site. We do still need to get electricity before we can proceed.  Working with I.C.E., the government owned power company, to get power will be our first focus along with choosing an Architect and designing our home.  Getting our driving licenses and purchasing a vehicle are also up pretty high on our priority list.  Expats, Norm and Collie, who live in Berlin, have been a wealth of answers and we're sure we will be calling on them many times during this adventure.  Thank you for your help Norm and Collie.  We are looking forward to chatting with you in person very soon!

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